Eirik Christopher Gundersen

Eirik Christopher Gundersen

Eirik Christopher Gundersen is Associate Professor of child welfare at the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University. He is a philosopher with a PhD on the ethics of public care from the Centre for the Study of Professions, OsloMet. His teaching and research interests focus on applied ethics and political philosophy.

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  • Child Welfare and the Significance of Family av Astrid Halsa, Grethe Netland og Halvor Nordby (Heftet)

    Child Welfare and the Significance of Family

    Halvor Nordby, Grethe Netland and Astrid Halsa (Eds.)
    ISBN 9788202834838
    Produseres på bestilling. Sendes fra oss i løpet av 1–2 uker.
  • Child Welfare and the Significance of Family av Astrid Halsa, Grethe Netland og Halvor Nordby (Open Access)

    Child Welfare and the Significance of Family

    Halvor Nordby, Grethe Netland and Astrid Halsa (Eds.)
    ISBN 9788202801229
    Open AccessAkademisk